Sunday, March 20, 2011

holi maare bheje mein !!

Yes! I know its a new blog and I'm trying to be cool using puns and rhymes and what not. but yes holi finally did happen. i was tricked into it though. having this serious infection, i was called for lunch only to be bathed in colors dipped in beer due to the lack of water. I was pretty darned pissed,and also not knowing half the people who smeared color all over me, and pretended to be my long lost friends.
But as they say,"In INDIA , you have to give in". that followed by a lot of dance and fun and good lunch at Punjabi Dhaaba. We came back and played a little more.
just as we were leaving, the seniors started their gossip session. this was another highlight of today. the bitching the cursing. Oh what entertainment!!!!
either way my point being, you just have to give in.
I figured this out and put a few pictures up. hope you guys like 'em.

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